Landrin House

Landrin: Unity, excitement, joy, affection – all these are somehow not very modern words whose meaning is, perhaps, hardly, if ever, comes to the people who design and build these skyscrapers. Even the name of some sort of disgusting – the sky scraping. Quick: I generally believe that the house should not be higher than three storeys. The house must be commensurate with the person, then he becomes a house, otherwise people becomes only part of the cell concrete monster. Previously, because as they say: the house of Prince Golitsyn, the house of merchant Landrin House, philistine Skvortsova, etc.

etc. And now, "a merchant>> (read – a businessman) Fedor is Landrin only, and quite obvious application of some homes and apartment number 17 nomer198. Landrin: And yet, I think that not only work in restoration workshops served as a momentum that you almost twenty years tired confess your love of the old Moscow? Quick: No, of course, the choice of topics, especially in painting and art in general, affects a huge number of factors and small, at first glance, the events and details. For example, you told me that momentum, "worm temptation> for your thriller" The heavy fall of>> about finding the Amber Room, was the adventure of our school during the campaign in places of military glory Panfilov Heroes in passing Dubosekovo of Volokolamsk. Landrin: It was such a thing, but the talk now is not about me. Fast: Most likely, the desire to talk about old Moscow finally emerged from me as I wandered the streets now serving on , whereas in fact could pass through thoroughfare