Labor Ascent

From my point of view the key word to consider in these cases is the one of employability, if that ascent increases the same It advanced! , But : Better to leave by the tangent!. Or, if it cannot be done, to accept, but to look for another work Hay ascents as rapidly as possible poisoned are them of " progress lateral" are, them seems are it and they take to a dead route to you. another they take to a failure by pedirte impossible things to you or for which they do not give to the necessary resources you and many take prepared neither wage greater nor real recognition is not to reject an ascent because it is wanted to have a legal security, of productive means and human, economic and financial absolute, that security, the intelligent one knows that it does not exist and the success is remunerated if has tolerated and only tolerates facing the future, a risk, but that risk is precise to evaluate it to where humanly, by the compared experience and especially by common sense, can. What yes it is certain is that, before who proposes the ascent to us, our rejection generates in he a frustration, reason why must calibrate the same in our future situation well. Before an ascent it is necessary to know if the proposal comes as a result of a statistically successful practice by our part, in which case is what we had looked for, and to reject it would be to lose an opportunity that usually does not return, or we did not want that exactly since they propose to us, but the same yes it is a position approaches that us our final mission, in which case also we must accept, or on the contrary he is something unexpected, little consistent in relation to our knowledge, experience and time spent to the profession, which must make us doubt at least, because there are ascents that are offered because it does not have itself to anybody but suitable for the position then and the urgency it forces to tries to prove and to see if the temptation gives to the luck to accept, next to the satisfaction of the ego, and the knowledge with greater remuneration, makes lose the head to more than one, but the rule must be the one of the employability.