King Sentence

Young people if you analyze the mobile space of metaphysical spheres found ideas that can change the reality of things. In areas metaphysical there are parts that are non-motile and others that are not. There is where philosophers go to extremes and some lean entirely by moving areas and others by the non-mobile, for this reason explained them the necessity of the movement for the transformations and the need for no movement when I told them that even when cease movement opposites still exist. Because they are essence of universal matter.power of severe justice are compensatory keys when Parmenides speaks of compensatory justice refers to the divine justice and not to men. Because Parmenides was fully aware that human justice can be easily obtained, one times by feelings, others for convenience and almost always for money. Example: a man of low resources dedicated to crime is caught robbing a jewelry shop, which belongs to a politician.

The sentence in some countries of the Earth by this kind of crimes is five to six years in prison. This is the sentence initial, if the politician want to sink it raises personally all sorts of charges, as consequence the sentence will be from eight to twelve years in prison. The conditions in which that individual will live will be the worst, worthy of an animal. The same politician two years later is caught stealing the State, the State raises charges against, in order to fill out some legal procedures, then benefits him granting him House by jail i.e. the mansion by jail. The conditions in which that individual will live will be the more quiet possible, worthy of a King. At the end of their sentence the State receives with open arms with the only desire to reward his loving ambition, allowing you to post more lucrative and beneficial to the and his friends.