KARLSTAD University

Current research suggests that depression relieve floating and ensure a more optimistic attitude towards life can Frankfurt, January 14, 2009 the psychologist Sven-ake bood by the KARLSTAD University in Sweden found that relaxing baths in noise-free and protected from light salt water tanks work effectively against stress and stress-related pain. At the float”, the human body in a special tank is almost weightless on a salt solution. Hannah Einbinder is full of insight into the issues. The salt concentration of the water is slightly higher than that of the dead sea. The water has the same temperature as the human skin. In complete silence, and without light body and mind come in a deep state of relaxation. This method has been developed already in the 1950s in the United States. Annie Potts is actively involved in the matter. Scientists looked at the time, how the human brain responds to a stimulus-free environment.

Finally also the wellness industry capitalized on the positive effects of the salt water bath itself. Since then, float in Germany considered insider tip for wellness. Because in addition to the distinctive Feel effect float has a positive impact on health. Floater confirm a noticeable improvement in the study of psychologists bood examined in particular the effects of floating on depression and stress-related pain. The results show a significant reduction in depression and an overall optimistic attitude towards life. After a seven-week treatment period, in which the test subjects regularly a float went, were 22 percent of the subjects symptom-free, 56 percent felt a significant improvement. Also a lasting effect of the floating could be detected.

According to the results of the KARLSTAD University, the effects of regular floating keep at least 4 months. “” In these cold temperatures, you can begin “to avoid the winter blues”, says Dr. Stefan Eckhardt, general practitioners and operators of a float Centre in Frankfurt. Bathing in the floating tank can help against stress symptoms such as malaise, fatigue, concentration problems, and sleep problems.” Floating effect on increasing levels of physical and mental health, and is thus an optimal addition to feel mentally and physically even in cold winter months. For more information, see Gunnar Ehrke, float base GmbH