Joggers And Cyclists Should Not Interrupt Their Training In The Cold Season

BKK24 no winter break OBERNKIRCHEN gives tips for movement outdoors need ‘Muscles’. When the cars get winter tires, two-thirds of all joggers can be and hobby cyclists collectively plop down on the sofa. A big mistake,”says Bianca Schafer, health specialist with the BKK24. She recommends that even with negative grades not on the usual movement refrain and gives tips for healthy endurance sports in the cold season. According to the statistics anyway, not even every third worker and only four out of ten employees exercise regularly. “Because these sedentary ruined health for recognition of Europe’s largest study of life-threatening diseases, the Fund holds with its science programme unique in Germany live 14 years longer” against it. Deficits are determined after evaluating appropriate questionnaire, you bought the participants even course fees or Club posts.

But what works in the summer, is even with this much more health-conscious clientele on ice in the cold season. This needs of the organism the most support in the next few months”, so Bianca Schafer. If you spend the day in heated rooms, jogging, walking or cycling are particularly beneficial to health. The winter-weary cycle comes in swing, the immune system is trained, strengthened the heart and reduced stress hormones. Most important rule: you need wind-resistant and quick-drying feature clothing, directs the sweat from the inside to the outside. But recreational athletes should never too warm wrap up even at low temperatures. “Especially for cyclists, it is perfectly alright if she shivering slightly in the first meters, because: who bathes in the weld uphill, downhill experienced the fall of temperature.” So also the muscles and tendons can enjoy the winter run, cold starts are”taboo. To tune to the minus degrees, you warm up the best out there”, recommends Professor Dr.

Jurgen Metz by the Association of sports medicine and prevention. Breathing only through your nose and every 20 minutes drink at least 200 milliliters, additional rules for movement on cool days. Temperatures further, traps the onion look with warm air pockets between the layers of clothing, a hat, gloves, socks enough completely on the Achilles tendon and a cotton cloth over the mouth the basic equipment. Scarf warms to the dry air and collects enough moisture to support the function of the nasal mucous membranes. Movement in the fresh air is so ready, no problem up to about minus 10 degrees. Only ice or cold combined with high winds there will be unpleasant”, warns Bianca Schafer. 30 km/h wind speed in combination with ten degrees on the thermometer result in a wind chill temperature of minus 27 degrees and quickly lead to hypothermia. It is as well important slowly the last minute, to change the sweaty clothes immediately after exercise and to lay the final stretching exercises as possible into the apartment, recommends Professor Metz. The a time of reduced immune system, whereby it is easier cold are first 30 minutes after training. “Jogging and cycling act like medicine but only if you don’t overdo it: moderately but regularly to train, invigorates the respiratory muscles and increases the capacity of the lungs”, says Schafer. So that people with health insurance can do that under the guidance of the BKK24 cooperates with different partners, including the Kneipp-Bund Germany. The questionnaire about the inter alia the current movement behavior is analyzed, there under the Internet address or via the telephone hotline with the number 05724 9710. The evaluation is free of charge to all interested parties. Press contact BKK24 Sulbecker fire 1 Sabine Schutte 31683 obernkirchen 05724 phone 971-223