
To remove the humanity of the Jews was one of the basic tasks for the project of systematic death of this people. E, what everything seems, the nazistas had had success in this operation. Stories of survivors show as this reality was hard. One of them, that it did not pass for the Campos30, wrote in its memories: ‘ ‘ During the war I learned a truth that generally we prefer not to enunciate: that the thing most brutal of the cruelty is that it desumaniza its victims before destroying them. that the fight most arduous of all is to remain human in conditions desumanas.’ ‘ 31 Into Auschwitz, the prisoners if transformed into numbers, that were tatuados in its arms in similar way what it becomes with the cattle. Military German if related to Jews as parts. Primo Levi, chemistry and Italian Jew, who passed for this field and left memorable workmanships of its experiences, count the history of a Kapo32 that was reprehended when it mentioned itself to the prisoners as ‘ ‘ homens’ ‘. It counts despite in the Field, ‘ ‘ to feed-se’ ‘ if he indicated with the word fressen, verb that in good German alone if applies the animals.

Levi exactly continues speaking that all the humilhaes (lack of hygiene, nudez, feeding) for which they passed, that transformed indirectly them into animals.