International Investment Forum PROEstate

By "SKN-Media December 1, 2006 launched a project GIS investor Kirov region Investor.Kirov.Ru Arendator.Kirov.Ru is the first professional information and analytical resource for real estate, land, investments Kirov region (certificate of registration of mass media E number FS77-27490). Its purpose is to provide high-quality systematic information on the real estate market and the earth, creating an information field of the regional market, attracting resources of Russian and foreign investors. The project is aimed at operators and real estate market, construction, finance and investment, trade and production companies and entrepreneurs to develop business in the regions. The uniqueness of our project is the professional approach, the level of the participants, the openness and the volume of materials collected from different Sources: Administration of Kirov, Kirov Region Government, construction, investment, asset management companies, owners, managers and real estate agents. GIS investor – this is a public source information containing the full database of existing, under construction and planned facilities, updated database offers sales, leasing and professionally a matched analytical information on the Kirov region Russian regions' main asset is a resource Geographic Information System, which allows search and comprehensive analysis of textual and cartographic information for making decisions about the attractiveness of the object Real Estate.

Project, its comprehensive solution and the format does not have Russian equivalents, and includes a printed version of business directory "Real Estate. Plot. INVESTMENTS. VYATKA-Kirov 2006/07 ", a full-scale map of the city of Kirov, information-analytical portal Investor.Kirov.Ru Arendator.Kirov.Ru and interactive CD-ROM version. Portal Investor.Kirov.Ru Arendator.Kirov.Ru is a publicly accessible source of information containing the full database of existing, under construction and planned facilities professionally a matched analytical information on the Kirov and the regions. His materials are in great demand, and actively published in both print and electronic media: analytical articles, and market surveys Real Estate represented on the pages of many publications of regional, regional and federal levels (BUSINESS.MIR & DOM , Expert , Commercial Real estate, etc.), news broadcasts news service news.Google.Ru, news.Yandex.Ru, cited electronic publications IRN.RU, ARENDATOR.RU, 1RRE.RU etc.

The portal is visited Investor.Kirov.Ru 1500-2000 thousands of people. Investor Geoinformation System of the Kirov region Investor.Kirov.Ru provided informational support for such important events in the economy and real estate as the XI St. Petersburg Economic Forum (with a delegation from the Kirov region), VII International Economic Forum "Sochi-2007 ', International Investment Forum PROEstate 2007, II of Moscow Forum of leaders of the real estate market-MREF 2007 Moscow International Investment Show 2008, constantly highlights activities on real estate, construction and investment taking place in different regions of Russia – Republic of Udmurtia, Volga Federal District, the republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, Perm, Sverdlovsk region, etc. We are actively cooperating with the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation, the Russian Guild of Realtors, the Guild of Managers and Developers of commercial and industrial real estate, the Russian Council of Shopping Centers and other major organizations active in the field of economics, real estate and construction.