
So that the survey of the expenses is complete is essential to elaborate a chart of accounts, that allows to classify and to launch all the great expenses. Although to seem complex, to adopt this classification it is essential, so that let us can have a clear vision of as we spend our resources. In our system we will use 8 classifications (groups of accounts): Chart of accounts: 1 – Expenses with good and products: Foods, clothes, books, substances of hygiene, fuel, gifts (flowers, books, cds, etc) and outros.2 – Expenses with services: Water, light, fixed telephone, cellular telephone, gas, consertos (plumbers, electricians, masons), suppliers of Internet, etc.3 – Expenses with health: Plan of health, doctors/consultations including psychologists, physiotherapists and others, remedies, examinations, massages, etc 4? Expenses with transportenibus, taxi, fuel, revision of the car, tires, etc 5? Expenses with education: School/courses (English/after-graduation, etc), books, photocopy of materials, periodicals, magazines and outros.6? Expenses with lazerCinema, theater, clubs, academy, entrances for the soccer, strolls, trips/hotel, lunches and suppers in strolls, commemorative parties of anniversary or, Cds, DVDs, location of DVDs, signature TV the handle, etc 7? Financial expenses: Installments of loans, the proper house, installments of financing of automobiles, credit card, guaranteed check, plans of retirement, etc 8? Expenses with the Government: IPVA, IPPTU, Income tax and others. It is important to remember that you will be able to find diverse variations in the chart of accounts considered. We remember that the important one is to classify the expenditures of a logical form, of form to permiir that are answered, as, where and when spend our resources. In this aspect, it is important that you have for habit to keep and to launch in the spread sheet the value of all tquetes of the expenses that you carry through.