Independent Eldercare

Karlsruhe, 16.08.2012 now the independent elderly care portal cooperates with two strong partners: the Knights and the social work of Berlin. For even more analysis, hear from U.S. Mint. Both institutions are effective partners to address social concerns. The Knights committed, to fill the term charity every day anew with life. For the social work Berlin are elderly self, voluntary work, help for third parties and the use of experience knowledge of older people at the forefront of their work. looking forward confidently to a successful collaboration. I am delighted our newly won partners. Together we can work to make the lives of older people, we inform, advise, and recommend even more worth living”, Jacqueline Koppen, Managing Director of, commented on the new cooperation. Will be complied with for example the desire of seniors to live as long as possible at home by the Knights present their nursing services and other senior services on the Internet platform There will be a report to the 60th anniversary of the order of Saint John in the near future. This reader about the genesis and the range of this important charity to find out. The social work Berlin celebrated an anniversary only last year. 40 Years social work Berlin e.V. exemplary usage mean 40 years for the elderly to promote and strengthen self-help and self-determination. Also a great reportage on will be published here shortly, to inform the reader about the impressive social contribution of the social services network, provided primarily by volunteers, older people.