Human Brain

what do you want to believe. And then I allow myself a little quote from the book: "By the remark of Dr. Leonard Orr, the human brain behaves as if it consisted of two parts: I think the proof. Thinker can think about almost everything. As history has shown, he may think that the earth rests on the backs of infinite turtles or that it is empty inside, or that it floating in space. In this faith, millions of people. Comparative religion and philosophy indicate that the Thinker can regard itself as mortal, immortal, both mortal and immortal (reincarnation model) or even nonexistent (Buddhism). He may think that living in a Christian, Marxist, scientific-relativistic or a Nazi world – and that's not all the options.

How often seen by psychiatrists and psychologists (to the great chagrin of their medical colleagues), I think can come up with a disease or even cure. Prover – it is much more simple mechanism. It operates on a single rule: whatever Thinker thinks, Prover proves it. " Think about that phrase. It's simple and at the same time opens our eyes to many things.

Someone thinks that "rewarded" over original sin, for which he gets all sorts of inhuman punishment, and who believes in the inevitability of Karmic Inquisition because nakurolesil (well, lived in the pleasure people) in past lives. And they both lay out your bottomless bag of evidence in favor of its reality, or more simply, ideology. And if they think thinks passionately enough. Prover proves this point so consistent that you will never be able to convince this person – even at gunpoint (think of all sorts and kamikaze "suicide bomber"). That for one thing – punishment for the sins of another machinations of fate, the third – bad luck, and for the fourth – just by chance or coincidence. The same event every apostrophe and interprets in its own way, in accordance with how it proves Prover. And now see inside yourself and remember that usually thinks your thinking? What you are lucky, not more than pink snow falls? What to get rich is heavier than the homeless entice Madonna, and in general "by fair means so much not make any money? " That the position of the stars in the sky Your life depends on more than on yourself? Is not it true you have a pile of evidence in favor of these "thoughts"? Well, it's just your choice. But as well, you can believe that life – is quite simple and indulgent whims of your piece. What you can get rich without much effort and nadryvaniya navel. What a success to be easy. That finding your other half is easy. You decide that your future. It's much better if you Prover will prove just that, rather than the limitations and attitudes that for years accumulating a vast expanse of your mind. Once it exists, even if only doing good work. Let pokalymit for your benefit, and you help him with it. At least you will become much calmer, more confident and happier. And how high your "reality" will truly be comfortable for you. At least, evidence that you will always find:)