How To Build Up Useful Mobile Websites?

Helpful tips for creating mobile Web site for smartphones are on the rise worldwide, and the displays are getting bigger. New models can websites liquid and razor sharp represent. Mobile Web pages are still in the shadow of native apps. Many companies would rather put money in the application of Smartphone development, which benefits is often doubtful as to take care of the optimization of the own mobile Web pages. Who want to develop mobile websites for companies, should be about the own goals clear. There is a difference, whether you want to sell on its website goods or wants to generate so-called “leads” (to german about “potential applicants”).

Special requirements to the developers make mobile Web page. The habits of Smartphone owners differ significantly from those of ordinary computer users. An important key word here is “Usability”. So, for example, buttons and links with just one finger should be clickable. The links should be, not directly in a row placed because they otherwise only very hard clickable. Often, new navigation concepts must be developed for mobile Web pages. It is, for example, not appropriate to allow access to the entire navigation on the bases.

It makes more sense to offer the user always return to the main page. Redundant pages should be avoided to detoxify the mobile website. It usually sufficient to focus on the home page and some a few rubrics. All the content that require long charging times, should be banned from the page. Not every Smartphone user has a broadband Internet connection available therefore permanently mobile Web pages should not exceed a few kilobytes in size. So, make sure that your Web page is correctly displayed if there is no fast Internet connection. If you use images, these should be optimized for mobile devices. It is not advisable, to implement the own shop of one-to-one, because too large amounts of data need to be processed. Since the user because of the smaller depiction of the Web site often does not know, where it is now, the so-called “branding” should not be forgotten. Place your brand, in the middle of the menu bar so you offer an orientation the user always. The clarity is a key point in the design of Web pages. The home page should as far as possible only the navigation and, if necessary, contain some essential information. Because the font is represented less than on the home laptop, redundant information should be avoided. Ensure that the Web page is rendered correctly. Errors in the display of the font and other content not getting around among users. Arthur Ergen