How Loyal Are Your Employees?

How do you recognize a loyal employee and why it is so important for good employers don’t care, whether in good or bad times: companies that want to be permanently successful and economically sustainable trade, need loyal employees. For employee and customer loyalty are closely related. They strengthen each other in the positive as well as the negative sense. What today’s employee loyalty means if today there is talk of loyalty, then it is not about people who populate a company for twenty or thirty years and just wait for the pension. It isn’t also about blind obedience and the selfless sense of duty in earlier times.

It is rather a mature, committed and voluntary affiliation we call this but very trendy loyalty 2.0. The word employee retention, however, has some forced, almost one would like to think of bonds. Even golden handcuffs ‘ in the form of bonuses and premiums, no loyalty to enforce at the end. Loyalty works rather like a Friendship: You get them free. Employee loyalty means: voluntary, sustained loyalty dedication and joy in the work ambitions and entrepreneurship identification and emotional connectedness active positive word of mouth advertising loyal employees are emotionally connected her employers, colleagues, customers, and their job compared to. You worry about the weal and woe of the company. You identify yourself with your company and make their own corporate interests.

You speak often and well, inspiring and passionate about their company inside and outside. How to employee loyalty measure a number of indicators allow conclusions on an employee’s motivation and hence on his loyalty. For example, these include: the activity in discussion groups and workshops, participation in project groups and training, the desire for development opportunities, interest on customer issues, submitting suggestions, willingness to occasionally required overtime, the margin of error due to carelessness, the nagging frequency, the number of sick days.