House Keeper

Luxembourg, the Switzerland and now: Denmark the House sitting agencies Association of German can look back this year on a 25-year-old success story. There began at that time overlooking the security of private buildings, houses and apartments as a deterrent to burglars and thieves, the use of the House sitting changed in subsequent years and to the present form of the care of animals. Animals: these are the usual, in domestic dogs, cats, small animals and rodents. Very rarely, reptiles or fish are the sheltered animals. It is important that can house keeper to stop during the whole time in the House / apartment of the customers and also for extremely short reaction times. Reactions may be necessary for vet visits but also for such mundane events like a water pipe burst, or (increasingly) for a weather-related flooding. Countermeasures can be taken in the short term, then. In recent years reflected a further growing area as a task for House keeper.

This is not the care of seniors, who live mostly in the household of “children” and in the holidays or want to leave not more with, on the other hand not alone but want to stay or remain alone for health reasons can (must). To find a solution that is not (yet) care but is also not paternalism, for this is the increasing task of members in the Association. They are active in different locations nationwide. Also the leap across the borders has proved in many years of activity and today there are customers in the neighbouring countries, such as Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, and now also in Denmark. No success without generic. It years turns out in the last 2-3 that not VDHA operators offer services to take care of such animals and to water flowers and call this “House sitting”. However particularly cheap, because the overall presence is missing. Even it it is advertised that this performance against the resident House keeper is particularly inexpensive.

The Advantages for customers who have been set up by members of the VDHA in 25 years, namely to guarantee, that the customer is not worrying about home has to do, is therefore repealed. Animal and person care in conjunction with the overall presence but is performance proven for years by House guardians. It was time to respond. It was therefore 2009 obtained a trademark for the field of animal and person care at the Patent Office in Munich. The document bears the No. 30 2008 056 078 and is issued for Klaus Adam in Neuss, Germany. Klaus Adam is Managing Director of Homesitters GAD-altos and author of this paper.