Historical Chronicle

Rybinsk … A resident of the other end will connect the name above all with a huge water mirror of the largest artificial lake in the world. Maybe someone will remember the former "capital of the boatmen", Yaroslavl explicitly call some huge plants located in the city. About Fish settlement settlement (in the future town of Rybinsk) on the right bank of the Volga, near the mouth of the cherry, first became aware of the spiritual credentials (intestate) the Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilevich, written in 1504, with an accurate description of its location. In the XVII century Fishing settlement – it is thoroughly furnished place with a lively and noisy life of fishermen and traders.

Sharp turns of Russian history beginning of the eighteenth century closely affected the fate of Fishing village. Its geographical position has played a decisive role. Here, the fishing settlement was overloaded goods arriving from the lowlands, on smaller vessels which could pass through Vyshnevolockij, and then by other water systems. Shipbuilding, transportation and trade are the main occupations of Slobozhan, pushing into the background the traditional fishery. XVII century marks the introduction of a Fish Sloboda manufactories. The active participation of citizens in rybnoslobodskih significant shares of national importance can be traced throughout the XVIII century.

In 1777, the decree of Catherine II of Fishing settlement was granted the status with the name of the city of Rybinsk. December 31, 1777 was the first meeting of city council. At the same coat of arms was established by the city – "dark red shield in the field, the main part vicegeral arms coming out of the river bear, holding a the left leg the gold ax, with the river wharf thereof, and two sterlet … "In the first half of the XIX century to broaden and deepen the processes that began in the XVIII century. It could be argued perhaps that this was the heyday of the city. Construction at the beginning of the XIX century and the Tikhvin Mary Waters has made shipping Mologa and Sheksna. The city is not only the transport and transshipment point, but the largest grain market and the capital of the Volga working people, who thronged by tens of thousands from all over Russia. In the second half of the nineteenth century, Rybinsk remained the country's largest inland port, transit point and the grain market. Along the right bank of the Volga stretch marina berths and various shipping lines and companies. The rivers are made to different types of vessels, waterfront, street, square and full of lively people. The city lives stressful and sometimes hectic trading rhythm. Revealed in the world hospitality, the breadth of economic and social ties did the city of Rybinsk, able to understand and accept people of different nationalities, beliefs and veroispovedaniy.Takim he remains to this day … Materials on history Rybinsk and Yaroslavl region