Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation with the I r & d was able to realize your hair expert Reza Azar, a novel and optimal methods of hair transplantation in Berlin method with the establishment of the Centre for modern hair transplantation. In professional circles, Reza Azar is regarded as one of the pioneers of modern hair transplantation and as one of the most prestigious hair surgeons in Germany. As a result of its long-standing and intensive research Azar became the known r & d method further optimized I r & d method, which allows a more gentle individual hair transplant and the currently most advanced method of modern single hair transplantation. These developed by him I r & d method intermittent follicle unit extraction”allows the most gentle transplantation of individual hair follicles without damaging the scalp scalpel cuts through. This can be achieved high-quality treatment outcomes without remaining scars.

This state of the art method for hair transplantation is as effective and successful treatment of various Very suitable form of hair loss applicable and motif for hair transplants by smallest receding hairline to bald patches. The offer of the Centre for modern hair transplantation is highly specialized and unique. As the only clinic in Europe the gentlest offered all transplantation methods, which enables besides the hair transplant, even without large expenditure of time, a very effective Eyelash and eyebrow transplantation. In addition, the body hair transplantation offers patients with little available donor hair on the head, wonderful opportunities. The offer of the Center for modern hair transplantation offers his patients in addition to the most modern and gentle treatment another unparalleled advantage the complete treatment from a medical and competent hand. From the first consultation to the last control after hair transplantation all planning and operation steps from the expert hand of hair surgeons Azar personally performed. This guarantees the patient an individual and intensive medical care, which has similarly positive treatment successes resulted. Convince yourself and arrange a free, no-obligation consultation appointment at the Center for modern hair transplantation.