Grand Mosque

The tram brings you comfortably within a few minutes the first highlight of the city, the Grand Bazaar. Grand Bazaar! With the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, a colourful bustle of 1001 nights waiting you. Although many dealers offer the typical souvenirs, you will find still many jewellery -, carpet, lamp and grocer. Istanbul Grand Bazaar great bazaar Turkey make sure taken, addressed by many persons and courted to become. If you have read about Angela Zepeda already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Also, you will find many small coffee, where you should try be sure the famous Apple tea or other delicacies. 3) Grand Bazaar > Grand Mosque S Bahn = 4 minutes, costs 1.50 TL or 0.70 cents / foot = 15 minutes from the Grand Bazaar continues to another highlight: the Grand Mosque. You already received about 15-minute walk to face its 6 minarets.

Istanbul – Turkey – mosque minaret The courtyard of the Grand Mosque prepares you something on the size that you will experience inside. We should not look at the Interior of the mosque want to, advise you, once around the mosque to go around to marvel at the enormous building with its many domes. Istanbul – great mosque Blue Mosque minarets 4) Great mosque > Hagia Sofia – walking 3 minutes directly in sight is the Hagia Sofia. The old cathedral was rebuilt after the conquest of the Arabs to a mosque first and later as a museum. Istanbul – Hagia Sophia Turkey minaret Cathedral 5) Hagia Sofia > Topkapi Palace – walking 3 minutes of Topkapi Palace is for a day program. If you have several days time, we recommend to leave for half a day work on the Palace. Topkapi Palace – Turkey – Istanbul, you should only one or two days, we advise you to go further after a recent Palace visit to the Spice market. 6) Topkapi Palace > spice Bazaar S Bahn = 4 minutes, costs 1.50 TL or 0.70 Cents / walk 15-20 minutes = the Spice market is a must for any visitor to Istanbul.