Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit

WE DO design show new face! campaign: celebrities demand respect Berlin with provocative slogans. On the occasion of the international week against racism face launches ads! a new nationwide campaign. Many prominent advertising on posters with irritating slogans for more respect. About the photo of Berlin’s Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit is including the big “I’m migrant”. Among the unexpected confession followed by the text then slightly “If you’re against migrants.” Behind the campaign the Association “face show!” for a cosmopolitan Germany”, which has for years for more tolerance. The design and implementation is responsible for the Berlin agency WE DO communication GmbH.

Also Prince singer Sebastian Krumbiegel participates in the action with the statement: “I am Turk, if you got something against Turks.” Other prominent participants are the journalist Jorg Thadeusz (I’m gay, if you got something against gays), news anchorman Ulrich Wickert (I’m Jewish, if you got something against Jews). Actress Gesine Cukrowski (I’m Turkish, if you got something against Turks), TV presenter Markus Kavka (I’m black, if you got something against blacks), news presenter Astrid Frohloff (I’m Jewish, if you got something against Jews), Star DJ Paul van Dyk (I’m black, if you got something against blacks) and comedian Kurt Kromer (I’m Jewish, if you got something against Jews). The celebrities can be seen on numerous posters in Berlin. In addition, a total 28,000 post cards are dealt. Also on the screens, the motifs appear in the subways and the Infoscreens at the suburban. The current campaign sets a clear signal: it is unacceptable that people due to their religion, their way of life or their skin color be excluded or even threatened and attacked. It is task of the civil society, to show solidarity with those who are discriminated against,”said Uwe-Karsten Heye, first Chairman of the club face view! for a cosmopolitan Germany.

“We are very pleased that so many prominent spontaneous” were willing to support this courageous campaign with their surprising statements. Their provocative statements contribute to the subject of discrimination more and more prominent in the focus of public perception”, so Gregory c. blach, Managing Director of WE DO communication.