Gentle Jaw Correction

The city dentists Dr. Elke Behle & colleagues inform the body of every human is more than a collection of individual parts, believe the followers of comprehensive orthodontic treatment. The complex sphere runs of our organism are linked at many levels. The city dentists from Stuttgart show how the principles of a comprehensive orthodontic treatment will be implemented through the use of Bionators. Bionator is an orthodontic resource developed towards the middle of the 20th century by Prof. Dr.

Dr. Wilhelm Balters due to scientific studies of patient. His research confirmed a connection between deformities of the teeth and other health problems, such as in the metabolism and the posture. Comparable, a Bionator is worn with a loose tooth clip, into the patient’s mouth. It is a plastic body that is located on the inside of the jaw and teeth. A wire frame ensures a firm hold and at the same time acts as a spacer between the tooth system and the muscles in the mouth and cheek area. The Bionatormethode aims to correct misalignment of jaw, teeth and lips and tongue by passive force over a longer period of time. In contrast to the active force by conventional braces, mechanical forces, which of course caused by language and swallowing, be transferred to the jaw and cheeks at usage of Bionators.

The natural, passive formation of the transmission improves the acceptance and impact of treatment. The design of the Bionators serves in addition to orthodontic corrections of also the healthy positioning of the tongue and cheeks. In this context, the tool is also called a training device for the mouth, because its shape promotes the desired attitude of the facial muscle structure which adapts to the shape of the Bionators over the course of time. The wire structures of Bionators fulfill the function of stand-offs between the teeth of the patient and the surrounding muscles. Without the fix by Muscle tissue is malleable the jawbone. The principles of holistic orthodontics assume that the transformation enabled by the Bionator dentition and facial muscles within the framework of natural interaction operations salutary affects more complaints, especially deformities of the spine and resulting complications. In addition to the daily sechzehnstundigen wearing of the Bionators, complete treatment consists of the regular implementation of a physical exercise program that will train speech, eating, breathing and posture. Compared to conventional, loose tooth braces, it is not difficult or unpleasant to linguistic exercises with the anatomically shaped Bionator. The comprehensive orthodontic treatment patients with the Bionator offers an alternative to conventional treatment methods of teeth misalignment. Like any such procedure, Bionator unfolds its highest potential if it is used during adolescent bone growth. The bone adult not more so rapidly as in the youth and is therefore only have reduced malleable. Prior to use of the Bionatormethode, it is necessary to take expert advice services to plan and carry out a successful therapy in each case. Dr. Elke Behle and her professional team in the city provide dentists in Stuttgart their technical expertise in all areas of dental care in the service of competent advice to patients and looking.