General Pathology

This first topic it’s define some basic concepts of general medicine, that will later be necessary to understanding and understanding of the rest of agenda. Short reminder of the State of health or disease: there is not a single and fully satisfactory definition of the concepts of health and disease. Below are two that may be useful for the development of the subject: health: complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or disability (who) disease: alteration or deviation of the physiological state in one or more parts of the body, by generally known causes, manifested by more or less characteristic signs and symptoms and whose evolution is more or less predictable. Illnesses, depending on your course can be acute or chronic: acute illness: starts quickly, and is of short duration. Usually cured even if it may lead to death or leave sequelae. Infections are typical examples. Chronic disease: can start way more or less acute.

It does not cure. It evolves slowly, affects the quality of life of the patient and, depending on its characteristics, can lead to death in the medium or long term. Examples are cirrhosis, rheumatic diseases, chronic labroncopatia, etc. 1. Concept of General Pathology: from Greek: pathos = disease, suffering and logos = Treaty, study.

Connect basic and clinical science. You can consider the introduction to the clinic. It is defined as the study of the common reactions of the organism against diseases. Example: general pathology studies: syndrome diarrhea, fever,… A: special pathology contrasts: studying specific diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, disease of Crohn’s definition of internal medicine: specialty that is responsible for the study and treatment of any disease that would affect any organ, system or device. Does not cover the surgery, Gynecology, orthopedic surgery or Psychiatry within the General pathology have include the concepts of the Etiologiao study of the cause that determines the appearance of the disease, pathophysiology, or study of the pathogenic mechanisms that determine the production of injury, semiology, studying the manifestations or signs that warn us about the existence of the disease and, finally, the clinical Propaedeutics, which deals with the interpretation of those signals, signs and symptoms, addition, studying theoretical and practically, the means and methods of collecting them or what is the same, the clinical exploration and instrumentation.