
Email marketing is a powerful and affordable weapon we have entrepreneurs to make contact with our prospects. The number of times with the emails that you send can play a very significant role in the final result, achieve customer and make the sale or lose the prospect forever if you cancel the subscription. Therefore, you must find a balance between a very high frequency in sending messages, which overwhelms it, full of information and makes you tired and cancel your subscription and on the other hand, a very low and inconsistent frequency that makes you forget to complete it and consequently loses interest in your content. Contact information is here: Florence Griffith_Joyner. You must pay close attention to the movements your prospects involved within your list, for example; Analyze who opened your message. When they open them.

In that links do click, etc., etc. Details can be found by clicking Evelyn Ashford or emailing the administrator. Then how knowing the frequency suitable for sending your messages? It will depend on your list and the market that you’re pointing and the type of information that you are sending them. If your prospects are working in offices best shipping hours are between 11 o’clock and 3 o’clock. It is a schedule in which your target audience is not so overloaded work and therefore is more likely to open and read your mail. It is a schedule that are taken to rest, lunch and relax its task. Also between 8 pm and 5 in the afternoon is a good time because people come to your House and check your personal emails before dinner. The best days of the week will vary. It is not the same that you pretend to do business with them at the enterprise level than on a personal level, for example: are two very different things if you offer a software which provide a particular business solution (Enterprise level) or you have a product for personal benefit, to give an example, a product to stop the hair loss.

Public are different, or I’d even say, an audience with predispositions different according to them you’re trying to sell one it or the other, layers the idea? In the case of the example of the enterprise software the best days are between Tuesday and Thursday, since Monday employers are too busy in meetings and Friday most of them are thinking of finishing early to return home. Otherwise if you have a product as the example for the fall of hair that is personal, the prospects are more relaxed between Friday and Sunday then have more time to consider your offer. A very important observation is that since many people checked their personal emails several times a day, I recommend you try send your follow-up email in several hours and then analyze your market or niche specifically. There is no fixed Marketing rules. The truth is in test, test, test, and to test again.