Fireplace Renovation Must Be

Ahrens Schornsteintechnik pointing out the dangers of unrestored chimneys that. Who is not sure whether the own chimney still draws, who consulted at best a chimney professional. Ahrens Schornsteintechnik offers a non-binding chimney check. Should it come to a refurbishment, no cost accounting survey provided by AHRENS”, emphasizes Managing Director, Mathias Ahrens, its restructuring offer. Rehabilitation? A must-have. Because only a restored fireplace gives you assurance that the heater works in the long term and that energy consumption is kept low.

Through a professional and ongoing maintenance, thus saving energy and money beyond unnecessarily blown in the chimney. It should also be stressed that, only by means of expert maintenance of the chimney, possible sources of danger can be reduced through a defective chimney for the residents. Today’s heating installations namely burn fuel at lower exhaust temperatures as old plants do. Not refurbished fireplaces it can be to the soot come. This means that the water vapour contained in the exhaust gases condenses and soaked the fireplace. This is visible by unpleasant condensation stains that occur in cool areas on the attic or upper floors. Condensate exits at the sweeping door are also available. To avoid this effect, should the fireplace with be rehabilitated at a boiler replacement.

An apparently desolate chimney CAP, smell of smoke, or even smoke in the living room, in addition represent important alarm signals of, which in time should respond to. Especially among difficult visible signals, the homeowner is often overwhelmed. A chimney restoration specialist is needed here. With 200,000 refurbished chimneys we may call ourselves as the market leader”, says the commercial Managing Director, Bmst ing. Edmund Drohojowski.