Financial Affairs

Auxilium – Association for credit check offers borrowers help of auxilium ferre – help bring true to this motto of Leipziger Auxilium – founded Association for credit check in the last summer by a team of experienced financial professionals. It aims, problems and questions around the topic of funding supporting the borrower to stand to the side and to provide comprehensive advice. A volunteer working team verifies conditions for new and existing funding in the areas of construction financing, private loans, and business financing on the important criteria of interest rate, fees and open/hidden costs, as well as the constellation of the financing for the members of the Association and works in Bank independent. The Verein Auxilium was last summer by a team consisting of experienced financial experts, accountants and attorneys at law in Leipzig founded in association for credit check. True to the motto: A tenant applies in the case of exploitation to its Association of protection of tenants.

What possibilities does as a borrower? “.” Target is, backing up the borrowers for problems and questions related to the issues of financing and credit to stand to the side and to provide comprehensive advice. The Association verifies conditions for new and existing funding in the areas of construction financing, private loans, and business financing on the important criteria of interest rate, fees and open/hidden costs, as well as the constellation of financing for its members and works with bank regardless. The Chairman of the Association of Auxilium Association for credit check Stephan Deckert said it is our motivation, as interest organization lobbying for borrowers to afford to strengthen their rights in these difficult times, but to shake up the banks as well.” Auxilium checks for its members rates credit contracts and claims of financial institutions. Also the Club help solutions to bridge financial bottlenecks through conversion and optimization of the individual situation of the issue. Deckert continue: credit obligations are one of the most common causes of financial difficulties in private households. It is even more important, to obtain an overview on the subject of financing before a purchase decision and to accept not the next best offer of the Bank.” Auxilium also provides information about the capabilities and functioning of commercial and construction financing. For members, offers a comprehensive and expert advice on the subject of the Association, created an individual concept and helps to find the right financial institution for financing.

Membership is associated with a payment of 20 euros annual fee and a one-time admission fee of 10 euro. This ensures that the Club can cover its costs. In addition, no further payment obligations to the Association are created. Auxilium funded entirely by membership fees and accepts no donations from financial institutions or free agents, guaranteeing full independence in the advice of the members. On the website are more comprehensive Information to find. Susan Walker