Federal Reserve

Dear friends! New crisis came to the world. Like any other crisis, it flows from one country to another has come to our country and our city. Is not all that bad, but we all have been taught by the 1998 crisis: it is not quickly ends. How to be in this situation? How to behave? If you permit, I will try to express their thoughts on the matter. Difficult times come, not only for Russia, Ukraine, they will be difficult for the world. Completely reviewed all the foundations of the business.

The current world crisis – is a consequence of games, such as a financial pyramid. One of the financial pyramid, which was built not individual entrepreneurs such as Mavrodi, and entire states, involving in the game other states. So in the U.S., the land of promise 'free market', Federal Reserve printed more dollars to tens of millions of Americans could play on the stock exchange, representing as the most advanced model of economic organization of society. Click Charles Schwab to learn more. The crisis will endure. But the crisis – is the reaction of the organism to the virus taken root, and you feel very ill: fever, pain, inability to engaged in business and more. But if the immunity is, the body will win a virus! What for us is immune to the crisis? Only our positive attitude to life and business to each other! Let result statement from the book Nikolaus B. Enkelmana 'Succeeding with joy': 'The crisis – a chance! " I'll try to comment on.