Federal Republic

The living space Ordinance has replaced the IInd BV and only ensures legal certainty in the calculation of living space which can be calculation of living space, especially when the costs of the tenant an important point be today considered to settle these costs properly. Therefore, you should know as a tenant if the area specified in the rental agreement corresponds to the reality. This can be partially very quickly even. But just for attic flats a tenant can not measure there. As a professional would have to answer then. The current living space Ordinance (WoFlV) in the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply from 1 January 2004 and replaces the sections 42-44 II.

calculation regulation. For buildings, no structural changes have been made since January 1, 2004, will continue to apply the old calculation regulations. If there is a structural measure, a recalculation of floor space is required. Essentially, there are 6 differences between the regulation of the calculation and the living space Ordinance are to be observed. So the bases are recognised in the living space Ordinance now from the balcony, the Loggias and terraces to 25% to the living area. Also, in the future no privacy (covered patio”) assumes in terraces.

In addition, a lump-sum deduction of 3% for plaster must be removed in the future. With return, instead for example wall cabinets may be included in the calculation. This also applies to areas with less than 0.5 m area. Now are also chimneys, before lining, clothing, free-standing pillars and columns maximum 1.5 meters high are taken into account, and could therefore serve as a storage option. This applies however only if the surface does not exceed 0,1 m. The area under staircases can be expected now also to the living space, if the amount exceeds 1 metre and is less than 2 meters. The area is recognized only with 50%. The height is more than 2 meters, she will Applied surface completely. Who so far with wanted to calculate the winter garden, had to risk any legal proceedings. Now winter gardens may be counted fully, if the room is heated. If the part of the building is unheated, the surface only to 50% may be applied. Also, it is no longer possible to claim a lump sum deduction of 10% of the living space in the apartment under the new statutory regulations. Ingo Beck