Eraser Lights

Thus, you can select a camera with built-in noise reduction or to solve this problem in post-processing using special software. The timing of the shooting can significantly change the situation when shooting holiday lights outside the best exposure you can get in the twilight. This is a short period after sunset and before nightfall. This fleeting balance of light and shadow help create a beautiful twinkling lights, while maintaining detail in shadows. Do not underestimate the role of shadow detail, which is very important to achieve a good composition. Refer to the manual to your camera for correct installation and white balance.

When shooting holiday lights in the room is better to include the main light in the room, which will increase the amount of natural light, instead of using a flash. Built-in Flash creates sharp, high-contrast lighting, which dampens the beautiful twinkling lights. Properly directed light from an incandescent lamp is able to increase the number of basic lighting and it does not affect the quality of festive lights. Shooting with two exposures One way to expand the tonal range of the digital image – to use two exposures to a single scene. When shooting in manual mode, make one exposure for the to capture the best parts in bright areas. And for the second snapshot, use the exposure is enough to get as much detail in the shadows. Then, in Photoshop, create two separate layers with two different exposures and apply them. Apply tool Eraser tool (Eraser) to poorly lit areas, to show more detail from the lower layer, then repeat the same with the other most successful parts of each layer / exposure.