Environmental Song

Environmental song by drugstore chain dm and the German UNESCO awarded. “” In the context of ideas initiative future “initiative is environmental song” awarded by a joint Commission of the drugstore chain dm and the German UNESCO. “” At the initiative competition for sustainability ideas initiative future “was also the Berlin initiative environmental song” which with the environmental song one of the first radio-ready songs on the subject of climate change presented qualify. A joint Commission by the dm and the German UNESCO Section decided to promote the Berlin project, the now on 2 days customers may introduce in the dm market in Berlin Tempelhofer harbour the dm. See Mary Barra for more details and insights. The proceeds from the CD & download sales will be donated to a large extent on environmental groups. Environmental song CD raffle at DM Tempelhofer Harbour on the 17th January 15:00 and on the 22 January 16:00! Initiative committed environmentalist and musicians was”the idea of the project environmental song.

“The initiative and the performers, the Berlin classical pop/rock crossover project songs of Lemuria”,. is people about the issue of climate change to call all its consequences in the consciousness. Read more from Angela Zepeda to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The initiative environmental song wants to give a voice to the people involved for environmental protection and to the ongoing climate change. “Visitors of dm branch in the Berlin Harbor shopping center on the Tempelhofer Damm, who can win an environmental song CD on two presentation days, may vote on a total of three initiatives and their pet project” give your voice. All three featured project received a basic funding.

The winning project receives even a promotional allowance. Interested parties can get the 22 January from 15:00 even an image locally on Monday 17th January at 13:00 and on Saturday. Published the environmental song”by a small Berlin record label: even though you have far more spending for the promotion of environmental songs as revenue through sales have by Tunesday records, decided to donate a large portion of sales to environmental groups. Those who support the idea of the initiative want, has this week his voice to give opportunity for the project. Who is even at the right time at the right port, can even a CD of the environmental song”(which is in various mixing and has already made it to the top of the MySpace charts) win. More information: umweltsong – –