Egyptian Tarot Tarot Gypsy

One of the few arcana whose meaning and interpretation have remained nearly identical from the ancient origins of the tarot in the ancient Egypt, until today is the most arcane X, wheel of fortune. The reading that the Gypsy tarot makes today about this arcane is very similar to the ancient Egyptian tarot. The philosophical roots of the hermetic tradition kept almost intact with its valuable teaching. Understand the message of the wheel of Fortune is to understand the evolution of the universe, with its eternal cycles. An understanding that allows a deep evolution of consciousness and opens the door to a fuller and happier life. For the tradition of the Egyptian tarot, this arcane named La retribution.

Remuneration that comes from the principle of compensation. I.e.: the wheel of life never stops turning, and in its endless twists reaches the regularity, an order secured by the principles of karma and cause and effect. It is a cycle without end, circular, everything back again and again, the good and the bad. This shuffle then spoke of the need to understand this circle as a bridge towards spiritual perfection. In this way, all you return will be positive. This Arcanum also taught to understand fleeting of each of the periods of existence: neither the good nor the bad luck will last forever. The Gypsy tarot picks up in large part this interpretation of the arcane X.

In this case, the letters accompanying the run will be decisive to understand comprehensively the message of wheel of fortune. Accompanied by positive letters, is an indication that who query has generated a good karma, either in this life or in past lives, and can therefore enjoy benefits and rewards that the circle of eternal return brings to him. If it is accompanied by negative or bad dignificadas cards (reversed) is will boost the appearance of transience of which we spoke above. The riches or conquests obtained can then evaporate by magic until we will be able to realize. Once again, the path of spiritual growth, the detachment and generosity, it teaches us this arcane, are those that allow that the eternal fate of the universe will bring only good things into our lives.