Economic Quot

we bought the VEB, a state bank, it's not" zabaluesh "… simply and effectively. And … investors made the decision to prolong the contracts. Second.

Organize and strengthen work the call center. Increase the number of lanes of motivated and competent (ie, quiet for their own future) operators. Their mission – to prevent the "outflow of depositors' assets and the withdrawal of bank customers. Third. To constant monitoring of media for publications about the bank – especially the negative and frankly hostile. Fourth. Set a fixed time for meetings with journalists, business publications (format might be different – from briefing before the round table).

Explain to reporters what was happening, in your opinion. Imagine the media schedule bank remediation activities and to achieve certain target setting, preferably with time constraint to your meetings with the media. According to the research department PR2B Group, one of the most common errors in the interaction of PR-service bank reorganized the economic media, is a declarative submission of financial rehabilitation plan, ie the absence of documents confirming the reality of events. Economic journalism, as a rule, do people with special education. They make a positive impression and audit reports and balance sheets certified by a "tax", and records of the general meeting of shareholders … Use more graphs, charts and factual materials confirmed the iconic views of organizations and individuals – especially the representatives of bank nursing home. Very well help special PR technology. For example, the "global information present" when the flow of positive information about the bank reorganized many times greater than the available and injected negative information.