Don Weak Third

On this occasion I invite you to "Don Flaco" to our home, because the journalist portable recorder I have, is or slightly damaged, and in our home we have a small recording studio, and the conversation is going to have more fidelity. When we tested the microphone the voice of "Don Flaco" sounds a bit strong, then reads me and starts the interview, which actually is not an interview, with questions and answers, but rather a good time to listen to "Don Flaco": "We in Iquitos, we were playing in the street shouting, as is a city where there is less cars on the street, the child plays there, run, jump, play soccer with a ball made of rags and barefoot . There are certain ways that the city of Iquitos not lost. The only thing is that unfortunately there are a total degeneration. People who have arrived by road from Pucallpa penetration, Aguaytia, Tingo Maria, Huanuco, is that they have invaded several parts of the highlands. Now these are the grandchildren. Not that I mean that Serrano is a degenerate, but it is more blatant than the Loreto.

I am Loreto, am the son of ham, I have a family mountain, Lima mostly from his mother. Iquitos was formed by migrants from the three regions of Peru. The coast migrated by the rubber, emigrated after the saw by the ease of the roads were opened. But Loreto has a quality. The Loreto is a very hot, very hot sexually speaking, but it is not vulgar, or trade your body.