Domain Amazonico

Geography Yungas. Argentina. Selva-Oranense Tucuman. Ecosystem. Climate. Vegetation. Flora. Fauna. Selva predemontana. Montane forest. Montane forest
This domain is vegetation that is floristically the richest of the , being the dominant forest vegetation. The climate is hot and humid, with precipitation exceeding 2000 mm annually in some regions and occasional frost in winter.
Phytogeographic province Paranaense
Selva in the province of Misiones
It is known as jungle-Brazilian missionary, and extends into the national territory encompassing the northeast province of Misiones fully and partly the province of Corrientes. It also presents a modified form of the margins of the rivers Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay, which provide favorable environmental conditions, forming gallery forests. This province is the richest in number of species, which gradually decreases towards the south. The structure of this dense forest made up of different strata in which they operate mainly epiphytes (orchids), lianas, gray, Tacuara, tree ferns, palms (Pindo) and trees that reach heights ranging between 20 and 30 meters. This jungle has its maximum development in the central-northern missionary territory, facilitated by a subtropical climate without dry season throughout the year. The main species of this unit are: cedar missionary Parana pine, Guatambu white, black laurel, and cancharana palmito, among others.
Phytogeographic province of the Yungas
Also known as Jungle-Oranense Tucuman, Tucuman, Tucuman-Bolivian Salte a or extends from north to south as a narrow strip occupying ravines and slopes of the mountain ranges and Sub Pampeanas in the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman and Catamarca. The lush vegetation has a similar appearance to the jungle missionary but with a smaller number of species and other specifications of the Yungas. The climate is warm tropical, with summer rains and frequent fogs, with the highlight another important factor, generating an elevation gradient that favors the condensation of moisture coming from the Atlantic. In the foothills, about 800 m, there is a transition zone with the Chaco forest (forest transition), extensively altered by human activity. From there, and as he goes up the hill, is the mountain jungle. It is here where the forest reaches its highest species richness and development, which are decreasing with height until it is replaced for the forest pastures over 2500 m. As a missionary in the jungle there is also a gradual decrease in the number of species to the south. Most common tree species in this area are: the jacaranda, the tipa, the laurel of the skirt, the gallows-molle, walnut Creole and trade winds of the river, cedar or cedar Salta operated by the very quality of its timber. Biome. Forests. Fauna. Flora. Climate. Selva. Floor. Forest reserves … biome is a climate characterized by warm seasons … jungle …
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Aerial view of one of the tributaries of the rio Amazonas. EFE … Peoples of the rainforest in Latin America claim their voice in debates on climate …
