Direct Specialists

Still, The capable and hard core of Consultants working seriously, is established and also identify with some skill and insider knowledge to make. This article will help to understand the methods and to be able to vote on their individual needs. Very personal relationships of trust and experience between individuals of the client and the consultant form General the basis of recruitment. Not the size and infrastructure of a company is therefore crucial, but the individual quality of work, the expertise and the connections. Therefore, are consulting firms with 1-6 typical heads and represent over 85% of the industry.

Companies with 10-50 persons and more are economically vulnerable and hard in the market place. Only very large companies work then again profitable when they are concentrating on the high-end range. In the consulting industry is divided into specialists and generalists, the latter are clearly still in the majority. Work independent and have no deep expertise, but than the global approach in finding also industry overarching solutions and above all in the recruiting of top management. The specialist, however, speaks the language of the industry and by his specific expertise the applicant address is simple. He can ask Insider questions and also in the assessment of professional competence to deal more easily. Due to his expertise, he will come easier jobs and finds the right candidates faster.

Because more and more “specialists” are looked for in the top management in the high-tech industry, hence this domain of generalists is increasingly small. In our opinion is the specialist in the advantage when growing competition. Methods, and specialization, who of who? Ads specialists: recruiters, specialized ad-based search prominently in the job advertisements. These are actually special agencies, focused on the control and evaluation of job ads. Here one is specialised in ad design, real Foundation, evaluation and handling of personal ads, less but on certain sectors and targeted Direct search. Executive search firms: Large, have mostly U.S. origin elite search companies. Generalist focused most exclusively on the occupation of the top level. The consultants specialize in the procedure and the selection of the person here, less on the search of SpeziAktivitaten not allow also to look in the “lower” level of the hierarchy. To differentiate ads specialists, this market to operate, but many of these firms Toch have established, which then appear all-round discussions, (showing and direct speech) have specialized mostly in industries under a different name in the daily and trade press. Often, come the consultants from the relevant industry (for example, human resources or management) and have conquered their market share their know-how and their connections.