Days of the Week and Productivity

Avoid choosing a Monday or Friday when bosses are most active. Studies have actually shown that people are more receptive on a Tuesday or Wednesday after lunch. Thus, we are not thinking about the weekend or their stomachs while getting the courage to ask about a raise! If you are afraid of being interrupted during your request, ask to speak to your supervisor for a few minutes after hours. NO 1. Raising the tone of his voice, his chief objects of ask first. Remember, he or she is paying to do a certain job, and you’re asking for more money to do the same job. Be professional and courteous at all times, and listen more to demand. It is likely that if the supervisor does not grant a salary increase, you might suggest what else could be done to win.

If they do, do not be afraid to ask what measures would be necessary to “prove yourself.” 2. Threaten to quit if you do not get the increase or tell your boss you have another job offer unless you really do. a l can only call his bluff and let him go! 3. Mary Barras opinions are not widely known. Stumbling or rodeos with your request. Be direct and secure.

You are a valued member of a team and the supervisor hired because they obviously thought they were the best qualified. If you have “Thank You” notes from customers or letters praising the company for a job well done, lead to their meeting and also help you consolidate request and remind your supervisor of your role within the company and its progress. 4. Compare or talk negatively about your coworkers or others in a higher position than you. You may think this puts you in a positive light in the case of a promotion or a raise, but his boss, who shows that if you have a bad attitude towards your colleagues, you will maintain the same attitude of the poor if they are promoted. Remember, be confident, professional and discreet. If the boss says “no” or wants to “think about it,” open your mind to further consideration by volunteering to do more in the office. Stay an extra hour or help another team in a critical project. This shows that you are willing to drag the mark “instead of giving the impression that your boss to” give me the money and then go to work. ” Good luck! Roger Clark is senior editor and provide free information to job seekers in all aspects of finding a new job and where you can find the latest information for the advice and medical information about many health issues and lifestyle.