Companies Trade

Leading trade fair for IT solutions with extended field of topic / content rounding off of the main enterprise resource planning/manufacturing execution system Stuttgart, 14 September 2012. The IT & business, trade fair for IT-solutions, expanding the subject fields time and access this year. To a theme day with lectures and panel discussions will take place on October 24. Messe Stuttgart is the goal to present holistic solutions to use their resources more efficiently and many visitors. This focus on IT as a tangible link of each area. IT & business held parallel this year from 23 to 25 October of DMS Expo, the leading trade fair for enterprise content management (ECM), in Stuttgart, Germany.

“Under the joint claim where IT works” they together form the entire spectrum of enterprise IT and address it decision makers and IT managers. Integrated security concepts are increasingly becoming strategic issues in all areas of the company. It was in shipping, where international export regulations have been exacerbated or in terms of the unique person authentication for access to sensitive areas. Since manufacturing personnel requirements and orders are close together, bring strong seasonality peaks in staffing demand and excess capacity with them. Here, companies face the challenge to vote labour and production load optimally. How integrated software solutions for securing sensitive areas offer, how the factor holistically considered man and can be fully integrated with his desires, show well-known exhibitors in the newly created theme focus on time management, access, and access to the IT & business. Theme day offers valuable incentives to complement exciting talks are on the agenda on the second day from 10.00 until 16.00. This involves Ressourcensparende production what factor has man in production? “.” Companies such as the GUARDUS AG (Hall 3, stand C31) and the CMIC mbH (Hall 3, stand C51) send Board and Branch Manager with interesting topics on the podium.