
Alicante, 25 November 2010-after the huge success that has experienced the sale of Turkish delight, delicious pastries, pistachio and walnuts, and pods (100 gr) their most successful blends of tea, managers of the tea shop the thousand franchise and a night have decided to lend a hand to their clients and carry out an expansion of its salesby providing the perfect gift idea for Christmas. To do this, they have released a wonderful and complete Christmas lots, consisting of a small or large kettle, a set of six glasses of tea, a colander and a teabag, with most requested mixes by customers. In addition, all this is accompanied by an explanatory booklet, where the client can find the keys to find out what is the best way to make tea. And, to complete the gift, stakeholders can also buy hookahs, in two sizes, large and small. All these products can be purchased at very affordable prices, in the tea shop or in some establishments partners where there is installed a few special corners that are home to all these products. THE ENSIGN on social networks the Ensign continues offering the best of itself, with performances by actors, monologuistas and artists, that make the Thursday night a special night each week.

Different. Posters for the Cafe-Teatro are advertised on the web monthly, by sending emails that are recorded in it. Furthermore, as it could not be otherwise, because now social networks are the fastest way of communication on the Internet (and one of the most effective), the Ensign has created its own page on Facebook, and from it, invite your events to all those who add them as friends. The page name is thousand nights. In this way, anyone who wants can be informed of actions that occur within the circuit of the Cafe-Teatro, which every Thursday attracts more than 90 local people, with interesting and original, put in scene that make the Viewer to enjoy a night unsurpassed, knowing laughs each week is different.