CEO Reiner Heckel

At at sensational prices Aschaffenburg, 23 July 2009 makes the mobile Internet for everyone affordable. Now, the specialty mail order offers its customers the possibility to link each notebook from the range with an Internet flat rate and so much cheaper to buy the mobile computer without Internet access. Usually Germany’s mobile phone providers offer a small selection of notebooks or Netbooks their customers, which can be coupled with a tariff for the mobile Internet. Customers who want to come in this way at a discounted laptop are extremely limited in their choice thus\”redcoon CEO Reiner Heckel explains. \”We do this differently: the customer chooses the computer from our range of more than 250 notebook models, corresponding to his wishes and needs and we subsidize him his desire device if he posts a mobile Internet access through us at the same time.\” But not only in terms of the size of the range and thus the selection, is the notebook customer perfectly serviced. Also the quality of supply and service are unparalleled: the online shop leads the latest devices of all major brands, has always the top current models in stock and delivers immediately usually a device ordered until 17: 00 on the same day in the shipping, is so on the next or next day at the customer. In addition, that in contrast to the mobile operators has extensive experience in the notebook sector. Product manager take care of the range with years of industry knowledge and product expertise, and questions about the new machine a qualified customer hotline available will be the purchaser. Simple calculation range the math is simple: the customer chooses up to 399 euros, for example a notebook worth he gets this device at including Vodafone Mobile flat for one euro. Web fare allowed him unlimited use of mobile Internet at ADSL speed for 39.95 euro a month.