Celia Logical

In this opportunity, I want to transcribe an electronic letter, that to him Celia cousin sent, as a result of which she protested to me with a question: because I, was not going to visit mother? It is logical that she finds out by commentaries of my brothers and my own mother. LETTER: Wanted Celia premium: in this letter I want contarte some things that you already know suddenly but perhaps no, then better you the equal story. I want to begin making reflections about my life, because fodder that stops to be able to include/understand to the others is indispensable to be included/understood to one same one and to be allows of our qualities and defects. Everything what can happen to us in our lives has to do somehow with the fact of knowing, as we behaved in front of the other people, is as is always said: we harvested what we seeded . Memory clearly some things of my childhood. Memory clearly of how mother was patch well, and when remembering and reflecting this I occur story because my mother, to some I listened to it times say: that how now no longer me it decided her if I were patch of boy to her well. This is a logical reflection of this fact, and it cannot take to think to us badly of another person, but it is the result of a logical and reasonable event. The affection that I feel by my mother is unquestionable; and he is the opposite, every time is but great, because when passing the years of our lives and making us but thinking and reasonable, make us include/understand plus the affection of a mother. One of the events that make want more me mother, is when we remained single the three brothers with her because our father died; perhaps at the same moment he was not able to reason this event, since tapeworm 10 years of age, but after married, and with maturity raises, made me include/understand the great sacrifice that this demanded, and the great suffering when not becoming to marry according to us.