Category: News

Small Middle Class

Market and SMEs reported experience of axanta AG in smaller Unternehmensvermittlunge Oldenburg January 2014. Business transactions are often similarly complex as big deals in small SMEs. This is the gist of an article in market and SMEs, which is dedicated to the challenges of small business transactions and also reported the experiences of axanta AG. …

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Solar Industry

Reduction of State aid no good omen for investors Munich, the 02.03.2012 – until recently were investments in renewable energy in great demand. The idea to multiply his money and do something good even the environment, was well received by many investors. But the increased demand led to counteract according to economy Minister Rosler and …

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Stage Fright – Quick Solution!

So you can free themselves in the Kurzzeitcoaching presentation anxiety! Some people know long the fear of failure, at a lecture or presentation. This fear occurs when others suddenly and causes the person concerned are simply inexplicable. Check out Mary Barra for additional information. Despite days preparation, exercises in front of the mirror, or the …

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Soothing Lights

With the help of dazzling sunrays that help in waking up to dimmed light of blowtorch sprinkles over the pages of our favorite novel, light mechanism us throughout the day and the night. This means light is essential. If you need more light in your life and your home, there is a wide range of …

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Internet Resource

Teacher years online rights in the IHK Giessen-Friedberg tell you themselves. Since May 17, 2010, new, expanded information duties apply to service providers, which the customer must precede the service available. June 11, 2010 new mail order rules. Who promptly implement the new regulations, avoiding expensive warnings. Internet law is not exotic or special legal …

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Active Environmental Protection

Thermally modified wood (Thermowood) Thermo environmental protection, resulting in a special high-temperature treatment, which significantly reduced the natural water absorption of the cells of the wood and causes so long-lasting protection against fungus and other environmental influences. This thermal process causes active environmental protection without the addition of adjuvants because for particularly demanding areas in …

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Finally, Tribute Package Is Online!

Memorial free now on long ER live. If Internet users die, is often unclear what to do with the whole remains in the network. Anyone need worry about it. Long ER live… Death does not break and is our constant companion. The death makes life so valuable and only he himself determines the end of …

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House Keeper

Luxembourg, the Switzerland and now: Denmark the House sitting agencies Association of German can look back this year on a 25-year-old success story. There began at that time overlooking the security of private buildings, houses and apartments as a deterrent to burglars and thieves, the use of the House sitting changed in subsequent years and …

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Thuringian Hightech Companies

Vistec group presenting itself at “SEMICON West 2009′ Jena/San Francisco, July 13, 2009 the Vistec electron beam lithography group takes part in the most important trade fair for the semiconductor industry in North America. From 14-16 July 2009 the Vistec Group on the joint stand of the Central German semiconductor and electronics network Silicon Saxony …

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Dolly Buster Exclusive

Painting exhibition on Sylt in Morsum with about 25 paintings will present in October 2011 on the island of Sylt in Morsum approximately 25 paintings in a special exhibition the versatile talented artist Dolly Buster. In the renowned Court Gallery Sylt is Dolly Buster personally on October 6, 2011, 19: 00 welcome the guests and …

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