
Trade with catalogs – "new old" method of selling goods, which are beginning to look closely all the more domestic companies. When the competent organization will bring a lot of catalog sales profit, confirmed by international practice. All articles of association according to European mail order EMOTA, global sales of catalog sales is now about $ 50 billion a year. The largest volume of "Remote" sales per capita in Germany – 246 euros, much less in Britain – 186 euros and 126 euros per person – in France. Unfortunately, in this list for a long time Russia was one of the last places – 1 Euros per person.

Unlike in Europe, and especially the U.S., where the market is oversaturated with mail order, mail-order sales in Russia only began to develop. Sale of goods through the mail in the U.S. and Europe do not only hundreds of thousands of specialized companies, but almost all retailers, it gives 10-15% increase in turnover. This type of trade takes about a quarter of all retail sales in Europe and the USA. Services in the West "Goods – mail" is used about 75% of the population. We – about 1%. As a rule, trade catalog attracts consumers because it allows you to save time and money, but also more diverse than in the stores range. However, such modest figures of the Russian market and also say that we have a lot of potential and opportunity to develop a segment of the catalog sales.