Car Advanced Search Innovation

Vehicles easy to find without searching – describe vehicle and offers wait about 4 weeks ago we went so far in terms of car unique search platform at the start. The idea came from their own bitter experience: to search a vehicle with specific features. Who tried that, will find themselves incredibly much time is needed to find the vehicle you’re looking for at last in the variety of ads. A phone call and then the bitter realization: There’s still the ad, but the vehicle is already sold. How can I find what, without having to search it long? We the seeker must describe only as accurately as possible his dream car.

We collect”this vehicle applications and they listed dealer (free for the seekers) or to distribute describes his desired vehicle and we publish this description on our website (for a fee for the seekers). So no new ad platform but only requests arrive with us. We have an unbeatable platform in the vehicle trade created: A network of dealers, that dealers and customers offers a direct contact between demand and supply and an absolute time saver for everyone. As a new way of presentation we give also the opportunity, your events, announce auctions on our homepage dealers since a couple of days. We are currently looking dealer with a good mixed vehicle fleet, i.e. multiple models and of older and newer vehicles have nationwide priority for listing.

Also in the real estate sector a platform complementarity of the idea unfortunately still no appropriate licensee has found for this already exists in the corners.