Brazilian Society

Its conquest of the world if makes on deep an tonic-emotional one, persisting and becoming closer dependent of all its history affective, exactly deepest. Knowledge on the relationary and functional psicimotricidade With regard to the answers of the questions in the category above, was evidenced that 4 professors have knowledge on relationary and functional psicomotricidade and 2 do not know. As for psicomotricidde relationary professors 1, 2, 3 and 4 had answered that he is the professor who leads, therefore the same creates the possibilities through the displayed materials pupils to play them and the way and the other to play, where through the interactions between, will go to reveal behaviors, that is, to make what it has will and through this they will go to develop its motor gesture, affective, social and cognitivo in such a way alone or with the other. Professor 2 complements this reply with an important story ' ' that the behaviors must be analyzed and be considered in next sesso' '. Professors 5 and 6 had answered frankly that they do not know the two lines. For Briza and Albuquerque (2007) the Relationary Psicomotricidade is one of the conceptions that the main content of this technique is the free and spontaneous game, therefore this prioritizes the relationship between the children and the exteriorizao of the experiences, where it will create options of new learnings of abilities and dexterities, and also of necessary values for the conviviality in group as respect and cooperation, contributing for the character of socially active citizens. One perceives that the answers of most of the professors confer with that the two authors describe, but are distinguished that ' ' jogo' ' he is free and spontaneous. According to Brazilian Society of Psicomotricidade (2010) the characteristics of the relationary psicomotricidade are: the child can play freely, has some models, is more independent, is seen as totality and decides what to make; the psicomotricista aid, understands, interacts, suggests, considers, stimulates the practical psicomotriz, can act with the professor of the classroom and adopts a listening position; the session is with the naturalistic paradigm, free activities and provides that it occurs so waited, corporal contact of the psicomotricista with the children and between them.