Brand Features

A brand is to define in simple terms the name of a product. But there are many additional aspects involved in the concept and characteristics of a mark and this has to do with how the consumer sees it. Thus, the colors of the company, its logo and its symbols become an important part of a brand. Why is it so important for certain consumer brand? It is a mark involves several aspects related to the differentiation of the service or product related to what the brand and the company, promise. And in those areas in which technical marketing focus to give the brand an image, special and unique personality that distinguishes it from others of the same class, and others in general. What they expect is to determine the consumer's mind the relationship between product features and brand, and advertising will then serve to communicate what is being offered to consumers quickly and effectively. However, this is not the only advantage of working on a product brand: the brand represents Manufacturer and prestige. For this reason the "brand" is not simply the recognition of the prestige of the company is well behind and come to value the brand.

And this applies not only to trademarks, not also those of nonprofit organizations or political parties. In this case, the brand is a promise of an idea, a concept, not a product or service. However, the success of a brand is not something that should be left to chance. It must be the product of a number of requirements that will facilitate their integration in the market should preferably be short, be simple to pronounce, recognize and remember, be nice to the ear or "euphonious" must have positive connotations and be associated in some way the product or some of its features, and, thanks to all this, is distinct from the competing brands .. When a brand meets these characteristics, consumers most likely choice over the products and services that offer the same benefits. Although two or more products will appear in all, consumers have come to see how best the product of a brand recognized and valued.