Ben Gurion University

The number of demonstrations in the periphery was lower than on previous Saturdays, where Israelis protested the lack of life. The Arab minority first participated in the call. More than 70,000 people demonstrated Saturday in cities across the periphery of Israel for social justice, in the fourth consecutive Saturday in protest against the scarcity of life. The biggest concentration took place in the downtown boulevard Ben Gurion of Haifa, the third city in the country, while in Beer Sheva in the Negev desert and where expected greater assistance, there were about 12,000 below the calculations before organizers, according to channels 2 and 10 television. Afula, with 12,500; Netania (7,500), Modiin (3,000), Dimona (2,500), Eilat (2,500), Rosh Pina (1,000) and Rishon Letsion (500) were other cities that joined the protests, which began almost a month ago in Tel Aviv by the housing prices and that it has gained adherents among various sectors of the population.

The Arab minority first participated in the call, although in a discreet way, with demonstrations in Sajnin, Taibe and Um al – Fahem. The leadership of the outraged Israel had chosen this time by not calling for demonstrations in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, and yes the periphery, to emphasize the national character of the protest, however aware that the number of attendees would be significantly less of the 300,000 last Saturday. The demonstrations began late in the afternoon on Saturday, at the conclusion of Shabbat with the sunset. In all there were musical performances and banners calling for the release of the soldier Guilad Shalit, captive in Gaza since 2006. In Afula, the protest took place against a poster with the slogan social justice has been chosen by the people, while in Haifa Haifa is chanted again to be red, alluding to leftist fame of a city judeo-Arabic and labor. Beer Sheva had a strong presence of students between the crowd, from which protruded a sign in Spanish that said Negev Latinos for social justice. In the event, the President of the Union of students in Ben Gurion University of the city, Uri Keidar, said that Benjamin Netanyahu’s Government is not responsible for the situation, but will that has to give solutions because it is now when the people has been lifted. We love this State.

We are the salt of the Earth. All we woke up and said enough, we want to live in our country with dignity, he was sentenced, according to the online edition of the Yediot Aharonot newspaper. Singer Noa said upon his arrival at Beer Sheva that seemed a great idea to move the Center to the periphery and expressed the hope that would continue this wonderful awaken citizen.Everyone wants a balance between freedom of opportunity, economic freedom and prosperity and mutual commitment. This usually occur under conditions of peace and I believe that this word is not mentioning the sufficient, qualified. The global number of participants was only slightly below previous calculations of the protesters, although far from the figures of three Saturdays earlier, mainly by the absence of call in Tel Aviv, where the movement’s reply was born and there is a massive campsite. One of the groups that integrates the protest, the toilet, has announced a strike for tomorrow. Netanyahu refuses for now to meet with the outraged and has created a Committee of Ministers, observers and experts to negotiate with its representatives. Source of the news: more than 70,000 outraged citizens manifested on the periphery of Israel