Basic Income

They ascertained that it was a mistake to confuse this disease with a microbial infection, suggested it might be a genetic mutation at the subatomic level, they concluded by observing and applying new ideas to explore new and different disease. a It was not taken into account their opinions only after some years when Linus Pauling and Willard F. Eibly (1959) showed that carbon-14 induces cancer with radiation. * FINANCING "N DE LA RENTA Ba SICA FICA BY A SPECIFIC RATE: Rate RB – LA TEOR OF HENRY GEORGE E A mong the critical, recommended books and contributions that I have sent many people interested in my previous work, some data, observations and readings help me to complete and deepen the financial mechanism of the RB. Reading the work of Henry George "Progress and Poverty" which I recommended John M. Alarcon explicacionesa Castillon and current stock on the operation by Jose Miguel Sanchez idea help me to develop, together with the study of the Tobin tax that I explained in my previous work, a self funding model for the RB.

Which obviously requires a theoretical explanation. No. It's about mixing several ideas, but to discuss various theories which let you see the need for a rate specifically RB, financing rate of Basic Income. It features: a) being a single charge, which is rooted with the flat tax model proposed by Henry George in his time. b) to emerge from the financial economy, as a leading sector for economic development today. .