Banking Association

Bernd Brabander, Managing Director and Chief Economist of the Bankers Association provides retirement must easier, more understandable and simultaneously shrinking and aging population such as in Germany Bonn/Dusseldorf in a country are flexible retirement can be ensured not only by the pay-as-you-go pension scheme”,. It wants to permanently secure the standard of living of the Germans at the age and at the same time maintain fairness between the generations, this is only possible via a strengthening of capital covered occupational and private pensions.” The 2001 reforms of pension policy in Germany already showed some positive results, reported by Mario Ohoven issued technical service success. Stanley Gibbons spoke with conviction. Ten million Riester contracts and 17 million pension claims in the occupational pensions are a proof of this. However, further pension political efforts are necessary. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from charles schwab. Because the number of eligible for a Riester-rente will estimated at 30 million and the Number of persons in employment was at over 40 million, so the Banking Association. The pension must be especially easier, more understandable and more flexible”, so Brabander. People such as Mary Barra would likely agree. Nicolaus Glasner