Bank Accounts

As regards the invoices and transfers, it is best manage change before closing the account to avoid oversights and, consequently, debts. Payrolls, in principle, should not be a problem. However, should know what conditions led to this bank account. Many times, banks offer financial benefits u material objects (like computers, telephones or crockery) to household payroll with them, but, instead, require a minimum of permanence. Leaving before the agreed time will result in a penalty. Cancel an account is equivalent to rescind a contract, an agreement between the client and the Bank in which both parties assume rights and duties.

For this reason, study the contractual obligations is very important when it comes to terminate the relationship. Two clear examples are accounts with fixed term deposits and those in which mortgages are constituted. In both cases, anticipated have commissions, a general rule of 1% on the outstanding balance for mortgages and 4% for term deposits fixed. Even so, in this latter case banks undertake to not penalize the customer with a number of top money to the interests that have paid to date. If there are no outstanding commitments, banks do not penalize customers to cancel their accounts, but many charged the expenses of management and the proportion to the cost of annual maintenance of the account. To terminate an account, the signature of the holder is essential. If the account belongs to more than one, you have to include the consent in writing of all.

In this sense, there is no doubt: who opened it in his day must agree to close it. This rule applies in all types of accounts, even in so-called solidarity or indistinct. Although in these cases the holders have total freedom and independence to operate without an authorization of the proprietors, they can not cancel it unilaterally. The death of the holder is the only exception to this rule. In this case, his legal heirs must present the death certificate, a declaration of heirs and the awarding of the inheritance. There is the mode in which spread assets, including money from the account, which has become part of the patrimonial mass. But with the new inheritance law, in force since January 1, tax deductions have been made more flexible, this process involves expenses notary and the payment of sales tax on the total of inherited heritage, not only of the capital that you have in the account. It is not advisable to leave the account to zero and remove all the capital without canceling it correctly. The entity not interested in accumulating accounts overdrawn and even less the holder that can be found with a debt after a while. To avoid errors and problems in the future, it is convenient to Bank request proof of the termination of the account; a written document that reflects that the contractual relationship has ended. And, of course, retain it. Where any incident or misunderstanding later occurs, it will be essential to make the corresponding claim, both in the entity as suede in Bank of Spain if necessary.