Bad Berneck

The City Council retains its political line and advocated the health care providers organized a network for a better deal. Mayor Zinnert and the town councils remain faithful to their chosen course. As conceived in the first sessions, the first meeting of the health provider was now”held in bad Berneck. Headed by Councilwoman Sandra Sagdeo first course was set to build a network among providers in the fields of beauty, wellness, therapy and Spa operations for the future. The acquisition of offers is reflected first in an upgrade of the town Web site.

“As one of the first egosan has time for the soul” already established a cooperation with two hotels at the site. As part of this collaboration spa services such as herbal stamp massage and Qi Gong day courses offered on-site hotel guests and are also complete packages attractive short breaks lined up, which marketed now from now on the hotels. egosan”also participates in the framework a two held Qi Gong of taster course in the spa park of bad Berneck, in the efforts of the city more attractive to make recreational activities for visitors. This course under the direction of Qi Gong instructor Edith Jung is suitable for everyone, the participation is free of charge. To find the full array of egosan, on the Internet at.