Avalon World

"But I podedu close to you, close your hand will turn their hand and reveal all of his chips at once, will present to all things" – you happen to know what it is about singing Maxim Galkin? Not otherwise than on gadgets. Jean Smart contains valuable tech resources. After all, they are called "chips" "Tricks" and "bells and whistles." What is a gadget for every advanced person knows that word – gadget, – which, translated to English means "adjustment, technical novelty trinket." And even those who are absolutely the word not familiar, daily use gadgets, not quite realizing it. Gadget is considered to be a digital device with such properties as portability (small size and weight) and functionality (presence range of different functions). The emergence and widespread gadgets make our world look like the one on which we had previously only read about in cyberpunk works or seen in movies. The world in which there is virtually no boundaries between reality and virtuality, in which the characters speak of inventions that capture the imagination and breathtaking.

World of James Bond and Diptaun Sergei Lukyanenko, The Matrix and Avalon, and many other popular works telling us about the near future. The future has already arrived, broke into the modern world, completing his high-tech and completely changed our way of life. What's even surprised us recently and was available only to selected (Eg, the same computers or mobile phones) now sells at quite reasonable prices and used, including schoolchildren. Moreover, even in many new high-tech quite affordable.