Automotive Industry Is The Focus Of The Second Nn Trade Congress Noeske

The noeske netsolutions GmbH invites for the June 22, 2011 for the second nn – Conference of this year in Darmstadt, Germany. Oberursel, May 31, 2011. Presented together with its partner alfa system noeske there the automotive dealership data control solution”for the optimization of business processes. The system tailored specifically to meet the needs of car dealerships allows the more efficient and at the same time comprehensible process design and provides cost reductions, among other things by reducing printing costs. Allowing cross-site usage, a rapid and direct access to documents, as well as their automated and process-related storage include the additional benefits of dealership data control. In addition, the system provides tamper-proof integration with popular DM systems such as Alphaline, AutoLine, care, formula 1, Vaudis etc. and any accounting systems. “We have us in different projects with car dealerships specifically in the interests of this industry incorporated and our experience in the dealership data control solution integrate”.

explains noeske CEO Helmut Noeske. On our Conference we introduce the functionality and benefits and show the participants how they can reduce costs and optimize their processes.” The automotive solution provides for a significant reduction of the costs of the form and provides access to almost all dealer management systems (DMS) as Alphaline, AutoLine, formula 1, Vaudis, CARE, format, u.v.m. An elaborate rollout is eliminated through the use of Web applications. The system vehicle life files (new car, used car, service) ready and simplified so that access is up and storing documents. The files if needed are immediately available from operation numbers, license plate number, or customer name. Shadow files/mirror files be omitted and a permission structure allows easy management of authorizations for large numbers of employees.