Automobile Club

Took a taxi back several hundred years ago, in 1639, when it was introduced first license for carting. Then coachmen used fairly heavy and bulky four-wheel carriages, "hekni" in the winter they focused on the insulation. They were replaced only in 1840 to more maneuverable two-wheeled gigs, "cabs". Also, while there were also double and triple "cabs" with a closed cab. About a hundred years ago began sunset horse-drawn cab, while on the streets of London for the first time elektrokeby left, their speed was only 15 km / h.

But in the same year they went bankrupt and were closed. And the last horse carting license was closed only in 1847. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with charles schwab. In 1907, London says the car boom taxi, while many citizens began to develop this car for a taxi. But despite this, until 1932 was the most common taxi "cab Unique," which produced the French company. But to this day retains its British traditions of a taxi, it has become a tourist attraction of London as Big Ben or red double-decker buses. Until recently, all the taxi cab in England were painted black, which symbolizes the honor and dignity, but not so long ago began to appear in different colors most taxis in addition to their sides is advertising. The design of traditional English Taxi is the same as centuries ago, the passenger is the driver behind the partition, bags are placed near the driver. Back in those days, when a taxi equipped with motors just started, the driver was separated from passenger who was sitting in an enclosed cabin.

This allows the driver to have a full view of the road and communicate with pedestrians, other drivers and police, the passengers also had a chance to talk or rest comfortably on the outside noise. French taxi originates from an enterprising Frenchman, who started his coaching inn horse-drawn carriages. Was this courtyard near the chapel "Fiacre" and before that ordinary citizens could not afford travel in carriages because they were only the rich nobles. In 1896, the Automobile Club announced that the French capital to give a new face at the expense of motorized taxis. Then, with the usual horse-drawn carriages were stripped of all superfluous, was installed behind the petrol engine and front wheel and control levers. However, this idea was not a great success with people, because there were always disputes over fare. Drivers can safely inflate the payment, depending on different situations, and not the distance that has been passed. But these disputes have stopped after creating a device called "taximeter". He calculated the amount to be paid, which was taken into account time spent on the road, and distance traveled. Of course, some drivers were not happy with this new feature and some of them have gone out of business. However, the rapid development of the taxi is gratefully taximeter. Initially, he the driver side just above the front wheel, he later moved into the car, delivered discomfort than clicking. In the 20th century, most countries have made the replacement of mechanical taximeter in electronic, thus avoiding the discomfort of the driver and passenger. First company that started producing cars targeted for use as a taxi, was "Reno." It also stained them in red or green, allowing to stand out in such a taxi from the stream of black cars.