Author's posts


Advertising can be both on PPC, and borrowed from their own customers. The latter is more expensive, but also gain more. Imagine your website in the "washing Machines are details of their vendors and suppliers. Naturally, the meaning of all this is, if your project is promoted, is popular and a good position in SERP. …

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Game Portals New Generation

Leave aside the virtual casinos, lotteries and other services that offer to play games based on luck and chance. We are interested in games, which are based on ability or skill. In English the term and sounds – ‘navykovye game’ (skill games). This is chess, checkers, arcade, solitaire, tetris, Color Lines, and the like, all …

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Law Review

Pre-investment study, almost always include such steps as: – Integrated marketing research (products, raw materials) – Law Review (Corporate Law, Land and Building Law) – engineering and technological research; – Geology (hydrology) examination of the land – environmental surveys (sanitary and environmental standards for the project) – the choice of suppliers of equipment, production lines, …

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Production Process

Artificial materials can be based on vegetable (viscose, rubber) or mineral (Glass fiber, metal fiber) material, as well as synthetic. Today, thanks to its qualities, including reasonable cost, durability and special technical properties, an increasing proportion of the market gaining synthetic materials are polypropylene (PP), polyamide (PA) or nylon, polyacryl (RRA), polyester or as it …

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Russian Federation

Involved in the construction of Nurek, Sayan-Shushenskaya, Bratsk HPP, Leningrad and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants, and exported to 38 countries: Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Currently the company exports 32%. In 1961 the plant began mass production of the crane DEK-50 carrying capacity of 50 tons. 1964 Chelyabinsk Engineering Works became a member of the …

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International Investment Forum PROEstate

By "SKN-Media December 1, 2006 launched a project GIS investor Kirov region Investor.Kirov.Ru Arendator.Kirov.Ru is the first professional information and analytical resource for real estate, land, investments Kirov region (certificate of registration of mass media E number FS77-27490). Its purpose is to provide high-quality systematic information on the real estate market and the earth, creating …

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Astrology Sagittarius

Sagittarius Only with the development of the era of Aquarius will begin a comprehensive immigration of people from Earth in other star systems, the planets around other stars, galaxies, and parallel worlds. Some will seek to learn new things (to get education) in more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and parallel worlds. Others will go to the …

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Don Weak Third

On this occasion I invite you to "Don Flaco" to our home, because the journalist portable recorder I have, is or slightly damaged, and in our home we have a small recording studio, and the conversation is going to have more fidelity. When we tested the microphone the voice of "Don Flaco" sounds a bit …

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Debris Removal

For each of us is particularly significant positive feel of your reality. And what kind of able to be comfortable, if this really much. . . The usual stuff? And what was once, by definition, performed by specialists from the nearest , at this point you have to make any specific companies or owners of …

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As in any market, you should not immediately rush to the first favorite thing. It is worth to walk around the market, ask the price of the goods and prices, and then start shopping. And the most important condition for a successful shopping – is the ability to bargain. In There is nothing to be …

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